Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Goodbye Marti

As most of you already know, we had to say goodbye to our dog Marti a few weeks ago.
 We have had Marti since college and she had just turned 11.  She was the first living thing that Max and I were ever responsible for, the first thing to greet us every time we walked in the door, and the first thing that taught us both how truly great cuddling on the couch can be.
Marti had always been our shadow and full of life!  We knew something was wrong when she no longer wanted to go for walks and didn't come upstairs to lay in our bedroom at night.  I took her to the vet and my worst suspicion was correct.  Marti was diagnosed as being in the final stages of liver cancer and there was not a whole lot that could be done to keep her from suffering.
I called Max, asked him to come and be with me, and together we held her as she was put to sleep.
Max made this collection of photos from some of  his greatest memories of Marti and what she meant to our family.    
Thanks for being such a great dog, Marti...we will always love you!


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