Friday, October 26, 2012

Learning to ride a bike

Last Sunday Max and I spent h.o.u.r.s. walking up and down the sidewalk with Chance. 
Our neighbors gave us a little bike in exchange for watching their cat and their house this week while they are in Mexico. 

We had no idea how quickly Chance was going to take to the bike.  It's called a "strider" and is meant to teach young children balance but it has no pedals. The idea is to teach children to walk and then run on the bike so that it is easier for them to learn how to balance.  Parents supposedly swear by it because you never have to make the transition from training wheels to full fledged bicyle riding.

Chance seems to love it! 

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Pumpkin Carving

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Friday Photo Fix 10/26: a costume in the making

Tonight has been a very exciting and fun night in the Lehman house.  We've spent all evening perfecting Chance's Halloween costume for the upcoming weekend festivites. 
Some items needed for Chance's costume include:
Nerd Glasses
Bow Tie
PVC Pipe
Tennis Balls
Any guesses on what we are trying to dress Chance as for Halloween? 
Max and Chance did a little movie watching to make sure we were on the right track...I'll give you a hint...they were watching UP.
After we were sure that the bow tie was a fit,
Max went to work constructing a cane. 
We can hardly wait to take pictures of our finished product!
I love getting this excited about Halloween again. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chicago Part 2

We still had two days to explore the city after the Chicago marathon.  Max and I decided to hit some kid friendly spots since we had literally lugged Chance all over the city to do what we wanted for the past day and a half. 

Our first stop was the aquarium. 

Chance LOVES aquariums and runs from tank to tank making sure to point out each and every fish for Max and I to see. 



I loved the view from the outside.  Beautiful mix of the water and the city. 

We ended our night early after the aquarium by meeting up with the Grier's for some dinner and to celebrate the marathon finisher!

The next morning was our final time in Chicago, so we decided to check out Navy Pier. 

We bought tickets to take an architectural boat tour on the river.  I highly recommend the tour and Navy Pier if you are ever in the area. 

It was a great way to see some more sights. 

Goodbye Chicago, thanks for showing us a great time!
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Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Photo Fix 10/19

I was on  a phone call with work this morning when I noticed the sound of running water in the bathroom.  I quickly hung up the phone and ran to the bathroom to check on Chance.

This is what I found....

Chance had managed to completely undress out of his pajamas and diaper.  He then somehow wet his hair in the sink and began brushing his teeth.
He was so proud of himself I had to take a photo to remember the day that my baby started to be an independent little man.  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Chicago Marathon Cheering

 Sometimes plans change, they evolve, they improve.  
I'd been planning to run the Chicago marathon for the past ten months, but I didn't.  Sometimes plans change.

I didn't spend the weekend in Chicago preparing to run 26.2 miles like I'd planned.  However, I knew that I still wanted to make the trip to support my friends and spend time with my family.  Best decision ever!

Chicago is an amazing city and I loved walking around as a shameless tourist with a camera taking pictures of my cute boys at every corner.  

We spent all morning at Millennium Park taking in all of the sites and enjoying our first day of real fall weather.


We decided to take in the marathon expo and meet up with our friends from Tulsa for the afternoon.  The expo was absolutely insane and filled with all sorts of c.r.a.z.y runner people.  I know that I wasted a good hour walking around and people watching with Lauren.  Very fun!

After the expo, we decided to find a good Chicago pub so that we could sit and talk in good company.
Chance also figured out the camera and learned to chhhheeeeeesseeeee ;)

I loved spending time talking with Lauren, Lynda, and Carisa.  I've trained for a marathon with each of these ladies and they probably know more about me than I'd really like them to.  What can I say, you kind of lose your filter and say whatever comes to mind when you run double digits at 6am.  This was the only part of the weekend that I was truly sad that I wasn't running in the morning with them.  

We spent the entire afternoon catching up and sharing old memories before we made a game plan for race day morning and decided on meeting spots for the marathon.
We ended the night on the mile at a great restaurant called Bar Toma. Delicious!

After dinner it was off to bed.  I could tell that Lauren was anxious and I really wanted to get everything settled and quiet so that Lauren could get a great night of sleep before the race.
That did not happen! I have to write these down so that we can remember them and laugh about them later.
1. Max and Bret had too much giggle juice at the pub and at dinner.  Lauren and I were very sober...
2. My cell phone went bananas at midnight with questions about how and when to care for Marti.
3. Chance decided that he would go to bed easily only to wake up screaming for no apparent reason at 2am.

Lucky for us...Lauren has already accepted us as family and she did not go crazy or even give us the stink eye for making her night before the marathon less than dreamy.

I had to repay her friendship, kindness, and tolerance by waking up at 530am with her to prepare for the marathon.
We had an amazing morning complete with girl talk, stretching, coffee, and making our way through the crowded city streets to the start line.
The start of the Chicago marathon was nothing but controlled chaos.  There were 45,000 runners and the start corrals were very strict about lining up according to your posted marathon times.  I had to bend the rules a little but I managed to get in the start corral with Lauren and I was able to run the first two miles of the race with her.  It was an amazing experience!

I split off at mile two because I had planned to meet Lauren for the last six of the race.  I met up with the boys and we took the "choo choo" (Chance's favorite part of Chicago) all over town to meet up with Lauren at different check points.  

It was a great way to explore the city and we all had a great time soaking in all of the positive energy.  

Lauren beat her time by over 25 minutes and I missed her at our meeting spot which means that I never ended up running the last six.  Oops! 

We decided to rush to mile 26 by train instead of foot and cheer on the finishers.  Chance loved giving all of the runner's high fives.

We met up at mile 27 with the crew and congratulated everyone on a great race.  We are so lucky to have such amazing healthy wonderful ladies in our lives.  I am so proud of all of you!

What a great race in a great city.
I have a strange feeling that we might be back.