Friday, September 18, 2015

Air Show

When Max and I learned that the Thunderbirds were coming to the Denver area for an air show we knew we had to buy tickets. 
We both remembered going to air shows as children and loving the airplanes. 

Plus, this air show was scheduled to take place at the Aurora Reservoir so you can let your kids play at a man made beach and watch the Thunderbirds. 

I ask you....what is more AmeriCAN than Thunderbirds and playing on a beach? turns out that the kids loved the water, but

we didn't factor in the noise. 

Savannah is now horrified of airplanes and sprints to me to hug my leg whenever she hears one. 

Fun fact...did you know that we have an airplane fly over our back yard every two minutes or less :)

Ah, well.  You live and you learn.  Max and I had fun and the kids loved playing in the water.  We'll be back next year.  What's the saying?  If at first you don't succeed. Try. Try Again :)

Monday, September 14, 2015


Our little man started playing soccer this summer.  This was his first athletic experience and we were excited to introduce Chance to sports and team work. 
The season lasted for six weeks and the teams got together for practice once a week for one hour. 

Chance learned the "soccer ready" position which is how you stand when you are listening to instructions from your coach. 

He got comfortable with running and dribbling. 

He learned to have fun and to how be a good teammate. 

 As well as how to try hard and run fast. 

We are so proud of this little guy!

We look forward to many many more soccer games and practices.