Monday, August 19, 2013

A day at the zoo - Take II

This past week Ms. Barb asked me if I would help her take the kids to the zoo one last time before summer ended.  I had to rearrange my schedule a little bit, but I am so glad that I was able to spend the day with Chance, Savannah, Isla and Ms. Barb.

 We met Ms. Barb at her daycare in the morning and then together we packed up lunches and snacks for all of the kids and then headed off to the zoo.
We were much better prepared this time and everything went so smoothly.  

The zoo was not packed at all and we were able to get really close to so many of the animals.

Savannah was super observant all day.  I think she loved being out and about. 

It seemed like every animal was awake and ready to entertain.  

We made it half way around the zoo before lunch time and decided to stop at the carousel to reward the kids for being so well behaved.

We had a picnic lunch in the park next to the carousel.  The weather was perfect and it was so relaxing.
It was amazing to see Chance in his element with his friend Isla and Ms. Barb.
These kids LOVE each other and Ms. Barb really does treat them like her own.
We are so lucky to have found someone who takes such great care of our babies while we are at work!
I just adore these pictures of the kids loving up on Ms. Barb. 

Savannah lounged in the shade for the entire lunch.  She was awake for the entire day and seemed content to just be out with us.

Chance and Isla ran and ran and played and played.
It was adorable.  They are buddies for sure!

After lunch we wrapped up the afternoon by looking for rabbits,

yelling at the penguins to jump in the water,

 and playing in the Elephant Passage.  

We managed to make it around the entire zoo with three kids under three, zero meltdowns,and eight diaper changes,but who's counting?
I guess all that adds up to a successful day at the zoo.
It sure beat spending the day at work!

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