Tuesday, July 30, 2013

4 month check up

Savannah passed her four month check up yesterday with flying colors.  This is a huge relief because up until this point there were still some fairly serious things that we were told to monitor her for. 
Savannah now weighs 12 lbs 3 oz and is 22 inches long.  She is still in the bottom 10% for height and weight at her age, but I no longer have to supplement her diet with extra calories and formula. 
Her heart murmur is gone and her lungs are fully developed and functioning at 100%.
She is not behind or delayed on any of the fine motor or communication checks either.
I don't think I even realized how worried I was about her until the doctor said yesterday, "Congratulations! You are in the clear and the scary part is over!"
Amen to that!
Can't believe our little girl has tripled in size and is 4 months old!
Now if I can only train myself to stop waking up every hour to make sure she is breathing...

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