When Chance was born on December 26th we got all kinds of advice from our friends and sometimes complete strangers about the complications of having a birthday so close to Christmas. I listened to all of the complaints from others about not getting a day all to yourself to celebrate, getting shorted on gifts, and not having any of your friends around on your actual birthday because of the holiday.
I decided that I wanted Chance to always feel special on his birthday and to help make up for or prevent him from ever feeling slighted ...we would do a small half birthday celebration every year. Last year we went all out. We bought cupcakes, we grilled out, we invited a lot of people over, we made a whole day out of it!
This year......I forgot.......or at least until one of our friend's with a Christmas Birthday sent me a text message a day late wishing Chance a belated half-birthday and stating that she hoped that I did something special for him.
Hmmmm.......what to do? I only completed one year of half-birthday celebrations until I forgot. Not exactly mother of the year worthy. I decided Chance would never know the difference if we were a day late or not and a little family celebration would be plenty.
So on June 27th (only one day late) we busted out the old party hats, ordered a pizza, and had a little birthday dinner for Chance.

Chance knew exactly what to do with the party hats this time around and was insistent that everyone wear a hat. Including poor Savannah in her swing.
I decided that I wanted Chance to always feel special on his birthday and to help make up for or prevent him from ever feeling slighted ...we would do a small half birthday celebration every year. Last year we went all out. We bought cupcakes, we grilled out, we invited a lot of people over, we made a whole day out of it!
This year......I forgot.......or at least until one of our friend's with a Christmas Birthday sent me a text message a day late wishing Chance a belated half-birthday and stating that she hoped that I did something special for him.
Hmmmm.......what to do? I only completed one year of half-birthday celebrations until I forgot. Not exactly mother of the year worthy. I decided Chance would never know the difference if we were a day late or not and a little family celebration would be plenty.
So on June 27th (only one day late) we busted out the old party hats, ordered a pizza, and had a little birthday dinner for Chance.
Chance knew exactly what to do with the party hats this time around and was insistent that everyone wear a hat. Including poor Savannah in her swing.

We had a great time celebrating our little man. I can not believe 2 and 1/2 years have passed. It seems like Chance has been a part of us forever....or as Max said.....at least the past 6 years :)
On Friday night, all I wanted to do was relax because it had been my first full week of work and I was exhausted! We gave Max a night off so that he could go mountain biking and Chance, Savannah, and I made ourselves a living room picnic and spent the evening watching movies.
I think I've seen "Despicable Me" approximately 344 times now, but it was still nice to spend the night with my babies.
Savannah is growing like a weed! She's still about the size of a one month old but with the strength of a 3-4 month old. She looks a little odd in her bumbo chair, but she is happiest when she can sit up and observe what we are all up to.

Saturday was spent at home. I helped Max work on the garage and then Brandi and Reese came over for dinner. Chance and Reese were immediate buds and played so well together all night. It was great to catch up with Brandi. A lot has changed since high school, but our friendship is not one of them.
Sunday we decided to attempt our first hike as a family of four. Which meant that both Max and I would have to hike with a kid and a pack of some kind. I think both of us were a little scared to try this outing, but we were afraid that if we didn't try, we never would, and an entire summer would pass without us going on a single hike.
Hiking is one of our favorite things to do in the summer and one of the reasons we love living in Colorado so we decided to go for it. We a.l.m.o.s.t....didn't make it out the door. To sum up a long and dramatic morning....Chance woke up in a mood, which put Max in a mood, which put me in a mood, which put Savannah in a mood.....
BUT by GOD once we loaded ourselves in the car everyone had managed to straighten themselves out and we had a great hike.

I was a little worried at the start of our day, but everything worked out alright and we had a great time together.
We spent the rest of Sunday afternoon at the Farmer's Market, putting the kids down for naps, and then preparing to host a village BBQ.
We had about ten people over for dinner and we grilled hamburgers and brats. It was great to see everyone because we have all been going in different directions for the past few months.
It was a great end to a great weekend.
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