Our weekend with Dana and Layla continues...
On Sunday, we decided to walk through the Farmer's Market and head to the end of the strip for a quiet brunch at Hanson's.

Hanson's is a neighborhood bar and grill that is super kid friendly with great food and great service. Chance and Layla played really well together, which made for an enjoyable brunch.
On Sunday, we decided to walk through the Farmer's Market and head to the end of the strip for a quiet brunch at Hanson's.
Hanson's is a neighborhood bar and grill that is super kid friendly with great food and great service. Chance and Layla played really well together, which made for an enjoyable brunch.
When we first arrived it was if everyone without air conditioning and a child under the age of 8 in the entire metro area had decided to spend the afternoon at the aquarium. It was no es bueno!

Dana and I hauled a$$ through the "millions" of people to the concession stand to let the crowds die down...and Dana taught Chance how to properly eat a Twix.
Finger licking chocolate good!

I'm so glad we took a concessions break because the second time through the aquarium was 100% better.
This was the first trip to the aquarium that we also got to see the mermaid show. I never understood the mermaids in the aquarium before now.
They do a little choreographed swim and talk with the kids about pollution and keeping the oceans clean.
It sounds cheesy but it was actually really cute and the kids seemed to like it a lot.
I get it...who doesn't love Aerial?

The tiger sat up and looked at us,
we found Nemo,
and the jellyfish are always stop in your tracks amazing!
Chance was completely passed out in the stroller by the time we got to the grand finale shark tank, but it was still a great day with a wonderful friend.

Thanks for coming Dana and Layla! I plan to return the favor and take you up on that Napa Valley tour. XO
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