This past weekend we had an amazing time with friends and family.
On Thursday night we got a call from some of Mike and Carol's friends from the time that they lived in Australia. They left Max a voice mail message on his phone stating that they were going to be in the Denver area and that they had some Australia t-shirts that they wanted to give to the kids.
We called them back and scheduled a time to meet up on Friday night.
Nick Seglie's parents, Lon and Jill, were also in town from Leavenworth and Nick asked us if he could use our place to bbq for them.
Max was sure that his parent's friends, Terry and Carol, would not stay long and he invited them to come by our house.

We had no idea how much fun we were all going to have or how late the night was going to be.
On Thursday night we got a call from some of Mike and Carol's friends from the time that they lived in Australia. They left Max a voice mail message on his phone stating that they were going to be in the Denver area and that they had some Australia t-shirts that they wanted to give to the kids.
We called them back and scheduled a time to meet up on Friday night.
Nick Seglie's parents, Lon and Jill, were also in town from Leavenworth and Nick asked us if he could use our place to bbq for them.
Max was sure that his parent's friends, Terry and Carol, would not stay long and he invited them to come by our house.

We had no idea how much fun we were all going to have or how late the night was going to be.

Terry and Carol ended up staying for hours and telling us all about their memories of young Max in Australia.
I loved having two "grandma's" around in Carol and Jill to help with Chance and Savannah
and Nick ended up making our entire dinner.

Saturday morning we took full advantage of cartoons and cuddling with the kids in bed. Max has been working so much on the garage that we rarely have a lounge day so it was really fun to do nothing at all in the morning.
I realized that I'm usually the one taking the photos and I'm usually holding Savannah. I tried to get some pictures of Savannah when she is not in the stroller or the car seat, but I was unsuccessful...unless you have a sense of humor...I did get some pretty great photo "fail" shots.
After a few hours of lounge time we decided to head out to Wash Park and take our new stroller for a spin. I am unreasonably excited about this double stroller. I can not even explain how f.a.n.t.a.s.t.i.c it was to be able to walk to the park with out having to carry one or both children for a few blocks of the walk!!
We fed the ducks,

and learned that the squirrels in Wash Park also like crackers.
Seriously, have you ever seen a squirrel beg for food?

We had a great walk and I feel in love with Wash Park again.
It really is great to have such a quick get away so close to our house.

We walked through all of the flower gardens with Chance and he loved stopping to point out all of the bees near the flowers.
Seeing the park through Chance's eyes was so enjoyable.
and then came home to relax and watch movies for the rest of the day.
True is at this point that I realize after getting an email from Max's mom that I have accidentally been texting Max's dad (thinking it was my dad) all day long. Max had updated my phone for me and somehow our contacts for "dad" and "mom" all got merged into one. Max's dad got to hear all about...complete with picture texts.... how excited I was about having a double stroller and the process I went through to find one on Craigslist. I'm sure he thought I had lost it, but Max and I got a big laugh out of it.
Max even did an impression of his dad receiving the odd texts and making a comment to his mom about it. It was hilarious!
Sorry about that Mike :/

On Sunday we worked together to complete some much needed work on the inside of our house. Max and Nick moved the ski press to the garage and I can now start painting to put together a toy room for the kids. This means no more plastic toys in the dining room!!!
Did I mention how lame Max and I are now...this is very exciting news....really it is!
Okay, we understand that it is not exciting news to anyone but us. So we decided to head to Jazz in the Park with Nick and Kristen on Sunday evening.
We had to stop and play at the playground first, but we are quickly realizing that we have to make ourselves go out sometimes or we won't have anything except for double strollers and toy rooms to talk about.
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