This past weekend was busy and fun.
We started off the weekend with another BBQ in our dirt pit!
Tina was back in Denver for work and wanted a house party to be with everyone because she is 15 weeks pregnant! Everyone was stoked about Drew and Tina's news...except Savannah in this picture apparently.

We gladly hosted the Denver village at our house on Friday. It was amazing to have all of the girls back together. We drank, laughed, and talked the night away. It was so much fun!
On Saturday morning our little man was up and at em. I had promised him a trip to feed the ducks the night away to the Wash Park lake we walked.

Max laughed at me in the pantry before we left the house and said that there was no way that we would need that many crackers.
Two minutes into Chance's duck feeding...he apologized and thought that we might not have packed enough. What can we say? The boy lives to feed the ducks. It's almost like every duck in the park knows him now. They literally fly across the pond when they see's odd...but Chance loves it!
After the lake it was off to the playground.
Poor Savannah is always in my arms and gets 1/10 of the photo takes....
Here's my attempt at trying to keep it even.

I can hardly wait for Chance's teenage years, given how excited he continues to be about the danger slide :/

After the playground on Saturday we headed out to Parker, a suburb of Denver, to help one of Max's co-workers move.
Max has developed a wonderful relationship with one of his co-worker's named, Eric, at Wallace Engineering. Max often comes home and tells me stories about Eric, his wife, and their son Jake. I know that Max really loves and respects Eric and so for that reason alone...I thought that we should be there to help them move.
Did I also mention that Eric just had surgery on his collar bone and both wrists due to a mountain biking injury? Hmmm.... I wonder who told him he should take his son mountain biking in Crested Butte?
Let me just say...WE NEEDED TO HELP ERIC MOVE!
We ended up spending the majority of Saturday with Eric and his family. Chance was amazing and wanted to help carry e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g
Eric's mother, Omi, had been in child care for 30+ years and did not set Savannah down from the moment we arrived. It was a win win for everyone!
Saturday night, Max watched the kids for a few hours and I went to a salon celebration for my friend Nellie.
Nellie was Megan's "daughter" on the Denver Nuggets dance team and she has been keeping my hair the perfect shade of blonde since 2008.
The celebration was for Nellie's one year of being in business on her own and for her new salon. I had a blast on Saturday night just talking with Meg and Nellie.
I did get this picture of Chance while I was out in a text. It was entitled "they're gone" ....I now know that Cook came by to spend the night and felt it was time to teach Chance how to properly eat Pringles.
On Sunday, we were off early to meet my friend Amy at the "Centennial Splash Park". Amy failed to mention that this park was the epicenter of all things fun for a twoandahalfyearold!!!!
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