I spent this past weekend catching up with one of my dear friends, Dana.
Dana and I met in Tulsa at a Wallace Engineering happy hour and became instant friends. We were both new to Tulsa, paired up with an engineer, from Kansas, and looking for new friends.
I'm sure if the ol' blog would have been around for our Tulsa years, you would have seen many pictures of Dana and I running marathons together, shopping, and prepping for silly mustache parties.
Here's an example of a pic from the past...

Needless to say, we have remained friends and kept in touch. I was ecstatic when Dana called and said that she would like to book a flight and a time to come and visit with us.
Dana now lives in San Francisco, has an eighteen month old daughter named Layla and another little girl scheduled to arrive in November.
It worked out perfectly for Dana and Layla to use Denver as a half way stopping point in between San Fran and Kansas City so that Dana could break up the flight time for Layla.
Dana is a brave woman traveling with an eighteen month old and being pregnant. She is a supermom that believes that she can do it all....hmmm....I think I understand why we became fast friends....something about having a lot in common.
Dana and Layla arrived in Denver on Friday afternoon. I picked them up from the airport, but had to leave Chance and Savannah at daycare because we don't have a car that holds 3 car seats!! It worked out for the best though because I got to help Dana check into her hotel, get settled, and enjoy a nice lunch over chips and queso.
We spent some time with all of the kids at our house on Friday night but we all called it a night early so that we could be fresh and full of energy to explore the town together on Saturday.
Dana had told me the night before that she was going to stay at the hotel until after Layla's morning nap. Max was up and at em' bright and early on Saturday morning painting the garage so I took advantage of having alone time with the kids and attempted a mini photo shoot.

I can not believe how fast Savannah is growing.

Chance said he didn't want to take any "cheese's" but he wanted to take pictures of Savannah with me on his phone. These kids are so fun. Exhausting...but fun :)
Dana and Layla arrived just before lunch and we decided to walk over to Pearl St for a quick and easy lunch option. We settled on Sexy Pizza by the slice and had a great time talking and laughing with the kids.

After lunch, we were off to the park.

We all played a little of everything....
swings, slide, sand

It was the perfect afternoon at the park.
We decided to cool ourselves off with some ice cream on our walk home.
Meanwhile, Max had been a painting...painting...painting...
The neighbors tease me about never allowing Max to play. Max is working so hard to get this project finished. I know he can not wait until the day that he can spend hours playing in the park and eating ice cream with us too!
But for now the man is on a mission....

Unfortunately...I set that mission back a few hours by picking out a bad paint color. It looked great on the sample, but not on the garage. Max thought it looked like primer and was way too light.
Dana was friends with us back in the Tulsa remodel days and understood the need for me to take a trip to Home Depot to fix my costly color choice.
Oh well! You can't win them all I guess.
Saturday night we opted to stay in for dinner and play with the kids.
Dana helped with child safety control while I made us dinner.

The kids played great again together and rode the little train around all evening.

It was a great night spent with good food, friends, and laughter.

Chance drove Layla around on the train yelling "all aboard!"
It was hilarious.

We ended the night with Despicable Me (what else) and some cuddle time on the couch.
It was a great day.
I'll post pictures of our Sunday adventures soon.