He did it! Max finished the garage ma hal!
What to do with all of our hard earned spare time?
We thought we had nothing on the calendar except for a month of free time, but then...
Cook showed up unannounced from Houston. We have a different ski pass than he does so he decided to come by on his way from the airport before heading to the mountains. He says it is to bring Chance gifts, but I also think he might just miss us :)
The next day I had planned to take the day off of work so that I could see Linz! She rented a house with several friends from college and was in the mountains. Barb had Chance and Savannah and Justin was nice enough to take Beckett for the day. We skied Copper Mountain together and had the first one on one time that I can remember since we both became moms. It was awesome and went by way to fast!
Zach and Sara Kittle were also in town on that same weekend. They were scheduled to stay with Nick, but ended up in the garage and said that they loved the space.
It was so much fun to have them around. Our kids play really well together and it was fun to entertain and have company.
We ended the weekend with Jump Street Trampolines and Casa Bonita.
What a fun non-stop weekend.
I was positive that we had nothing on the agenda for the next weekend, but then...my friend and neighbor from my mom's group asked me at the last minute to please help her throw a birthday party for her two year old at Monkey Business. She was newly pregnant, didn't want to tell anyone, and knew that she would need help keeping up with 20 two year olds.
I said yes because I remember how tired you get, and I had wished that I had been smart enough to ask for help.
Also, Max gave me two hours negative notice that his brother was at our house.
The birthday party was bananas, but it had cupcakes, and Chance and Savannah had a wonderful time! Plus, my friend was thankful and sweet and all of the the things that make me know that she is someone that I can count on. Which is a win!
After the birthday party, I hired a babysitter so that I could go meet Max and Brad. Turns out Max and Brad were actually Brad and Nick. Whatever, wine at a piano lounge. I'm in :)
These random weekends are fun, but now I am tired and we for sure don't have anything planned for the next one...
Except for then Lauren called and she got a great deal on a house in Winter Park and wouldn't it be fun to just hang together in the mountains. So we said yes and packed the car for yet another unplanned weekend.
And Lauren was right. It was fun to just play in the mountains.
I LOVE having one on one time with Savannah while everyone else is skiing.
Did I mention that Winter Park is my new favorite mountain? Kid friendly score is an A+ and that should explain it all!
Lauren volunteered to watch Savannah so that I could take my first chair lift with Max and Chance.
First chair lift selfie with my boy!
It was so much fun challenging him to races down the bunny slope. I can still hear his giggles.
Going to Winter Park was a wonderful decision for our family. We all had a great time.
On Sunday, Cook was back in town so we headed back from Winter Park to meet him for a beer at Denver Beer Company before he had to leave. We went from snow in the morning to 70 degrees and t-shirts by 3pm. Crazy!
The following weekend we had company. Dana and her two little girls, Dana was a friend that we met in Tulsa who now lives in San Francisco. She scheduled her work flights to stop in Denver so that she could stay with us for the weekend.
I hope she doesn't regret stopping since apparently, my children are full of bad habits...
downward dog on the bathtub anyone?
Max was amazing and watched all four little ones so that we could sneak away for dinner at the Sushi Den on Pearl St.
Dana and I had a great time catching up.
We rounded out our month of minimal plans with a ski day with our college buddy Jason Ingram.
We feel so lucky to have so many friends who still think enough of us to spend their hard earned vacation time to be with us.
I couldn't have planned the month better if I'd tried!