Monday, July 30, 2012

Every four years...

Thank God that the summer Olympics only come around every four years.  I love cheering for the underdog and crying my eyes out for every athlete that sacrifices everything for their sport. I was absolutely exhausted today at work because I just had to stay up and watch every second of women's gymnastics.
We spent this past weekend watching the Olympics like it was our job and we do our jobs well, very well indeed.

Our weekend went a little something like this.

Throw rocks at REI

watch the Olympics

play with Chance

watch the Olympics

sip some bubbly

watch the Olympics

cuddle with our puppy

watch the Olympics

learn on the ipad

watch the Olympics

play in the water

watch the Olympics
spend time with loved ones

watch the Olympics
play in the dirt pile

Did I mention that we spent a lot of time watching the Olympics?  Hope your weekend was as relaxing as ours.

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