Monday, December 21, 2015

Max Mountain Biking

One of the things that Max loves to do is mountain bike. 

 The last time that I was in Lansing and talking with Max's mother, I realized that she has never seen any of the photos or scenic views that Max has shared with me from his rides. 

 So...I thought I'd share some of his photos so that you all could see some of the trails and adventures that he has been on this year. 

Let Max know if any of you ever want to join him for a ride!  

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Golden Gate Canyon State Park

We had our trial run of camping in the city in the beginning of the summer.  Because it went so well we decided to try camping off the grid before the season completely changed. 

Our first off the grid camping experience as a family was amazing!

I think we all breathe a little deeper when we get time alone with the ones we love in the outdoors. 

Our campsite had these huge boulders on it and the kids loved to climb to the top and have Max and I sit with them. 

They loved climbing to the top and then back around to the tunnel at the bottom. 

It was a wonderful feeling to be all together with no outside distractions. 

Days outside that end with smores are always best!

One of my favorite memories to date!

Joy Park @ The Children's Museum

The Children's Museum has been under construction for a little over a year.  We had been hearing a lot about the new outdoor playground that they built called "Joy Park" and we wanted to check it out before the nice weather left us.  

The kids absolutely had a blast!

This park could have entertained them for days!

Chance was in heaven building ramps for his water boats.  

Savannah was in heaven climbing boulders of red rocks over and over and again and again. 



Water!! Repeat!

I was a little under prepared and had no idea how wet they would get.  With no changes of clothes it was off to the cargo nets in the sun to dry off.  

I think these might have been the favorite!
They ran in circles on these for hours.  

I bought a family membership because I loved watching them play! 

I apologize in advance for all of the pictures that I am sure to be in the future.  We hope to have many more play dates at Joy Park.  


After two years of construction from the garage...we finally got our back yard put back together.  

Complete with flowers and a vegetable garden.  

My favorite part are the pavers that line a path from the little blue side gate.  

We spent so much time outside at night.  We really enjoyed our new outdoor living space.  

Regular movies with the neighborhood children became a Friday night favorite.  

Extra snuggles in the outdoor air is never a bad thing.  

We had plenty of bbq's with our favorite neighbors too!  

We had quite the summer in our beautiful new back yard.  I'm not sure what we were thinking...because in the fall....we got a puppy.  
We'll have to put our yard back together next spring again :) 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Chance's First Day of Pre-K

Chance started Pre-K this year at Stephen Knight Center for Early Education.  

I thought he would cry and cry on his first day at school.  

The surprising thing was that he did not shed a single tear.  

Instead he said, "Well, I wish I could stay little and play with you guys forever, but I've got a lot of things to do!" 

Indeed you do little man!

Indeed you do! 

The most surprising twist for the day was...

that Savannah cried for nearly an hour when she realized that she wasn't old enough to go with Chance to school.  

These two.  My wish is that you stay this close forever!